Monday, November 12, 2007

#15 Web 2.0

As a people focused librarian I tend to focus on customer needs and staff needs in relation to library services. Technology is just a tool to be used for this purpose. The concept of Library 2.0 translates for me into how the expanding web technologies involve library services in relation to customer needs and expectations. But what of the librarian's role in this? The article "Into a new world of librarianship" by Michael Stephens is one I can relate to. Stephens claims that 'the library is human and a place people can engage at an emotional and social level; thus the term librarian 2.0 evolves. He lists a number of traits he sees as important for librarian 2.0 which include; planning for users, embracing web 2.0 tools, controlling technolust, making good but fast decisions, being a trend spotter and getting content. We mustn't let the technology rule or overwhelm us but must analyse the best means to offer library customers access to the technology. We must also utilise the new technologies to promote our services, involve customers in library services, streamline operations and maximise collaborative ventures.

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