Tuesday, October 30, 2007

# 13 del.icio.us

I did admit to having too many favourites in a previous posting, so I was pleased to learn about this social bookmarking tool. With great enthusiasm I have imported hundreds of bookmarks into del.icio.us and now seem to being doing my phd on reordering, deleting and updating them. This tool opens up a wonderful world of related bookmarks and has brought to my attention many useful articles on library services. It will be very useful in sharing bookmarks with colleagues and add to our information overload to some degree. The answer as usual I believe to be in our ability to analyse, organise and share information in a professional and collaborative manner. Perhaps this whole blog exercise could have been improved if we had arranged for small groups of librarians to analyse each question, organise a response collaboratively, and then share the information with the broader team, instead of so many individual librarians working away like a cottage industry, each doing every question. Just a thought. If this project was to be organised in this way, I would have chosen del.icio.us as my question. But I am very grateful just the same to have the opportunity to participate in the total exercise.

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